Have you ever been in a situation that you need to make a decision, but you do not know which one is the right decision? Every day, we face situations that we need to make all kinds of decisions. For example, what classes to take? What career to pursue? Should we go to the left or the right? Should we stay, or should we move forward? Since God knows what is best for us, we need to trust Him with all of our hearts, especially when we do not know what to do. Trust in the Lord with all our hearts means to listen and follow God’s will in our situations. There are many times that God’s way is not the same as our ways, and when that happens, we need to follow and obey God, and not to trust in our own understanding.
Emma loved to hang out with her friends more than going to school. Her family tried to encourage her to be good at school, but Emma did not want to listen. Instead, she wanted to leave her parent’s house so that she could do whatever she wanted. She went to church with her family, but she did not want to trust God. She just wanted to lean on her own understanding. Eventually, she decided to move out of her parent’s house when she was 16 years old and lived with her boyfriend. While she was leaving with her boyfriend, she got pregnant. She thought that her boyfriend was a responsible person, but she ended up taking care of her baby alone. Her boyfriend was not ready for a family. As a result, Emma moved back to her parents and regretted everything. Finally, she came to her senses and trusted God. Since she dropped out of high school, she had to take GED to get a high school diploma so that she could get a better opportunity. She realized then that she could have saved her life from going through all the troubles if she only listened and trusted in God’s way.
When we need to make an important decision in life, the first thing that we need to do is to ask God for direction and wait for His answer. We need to seek God through prayer and His word to guide us to make the right decision. God is always there to speak to our hearts when we are willing to listen to Him. As we pray to God daily and read His word, God will help us to know His will in our situations; we just need to be patient.
Ask yourself these questions: What should I do when I need to make an important decision? What would happen if I don't listen to God and trust in my own understanding?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, I am so thankful that you care about me. Thank you that you know my situation. I pray today that you will help me to make the right decisions and to trust in you completely. Please help me with (mention your prayer requests). In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.