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Writer's picture: Danny DomingoDanny Domingo

Psalm 91:3-4 says, "For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." Psalm 91:3-4 gives us the reason why our God is our refuge and a safe place. Our God can rescue us from every trap of the enemy, which is Satan and his demons. When we think of Satan and his demons, we normally think that they are always there to hurt us physically, like the horror movies. However, most of the time, Satan and his demons use deceptions to lead us to disobey God. They want to destroy our relationship with God by tempting us to walk away from God's ways. They put traps on our ways that sound very good and appealing to deceive us. God can rescue us from their traps and protect us from deadly diseases. Our God is like a hen protecting his chicks under his wings. When a hen feels like her chicks are in danger, she corrals his chicks under his wings to protect them. With our God, He is faithful to protect us with His armor that can never be broken into.


I remember being on a farm and watching a hen with her chicks. When I walked closer to them, the hen immediately made a noise to call her chicks to gather under her wings. She spread her feathers to make herself look bigger to protect her chicks. Normally, chickens immediately scattered when they sensed a danger, but this hen was faithful to protect her chicks. She courageously stood her ground to protect her chicks. Imagine what God can do to protect us? The hen was undoubtedly limited to protecting her chicks, but our God has no limits in protecting us from Satan and his demons. There are so many people who have fallen into Satan's trap because they tried to find another safe place other than God. In Israel right now, with the war that is going on, when the siren sounds in the city, people are warned to take shelter in the bunker where it is safe from bomb explosions. Similarly, there is only one shelter where we can be protected from Satan and his demons' traps (deception), and that is our God.


When we walk with God and listen to His Words, our eyes are opened to God's truth; thus, it protects us from being deceived by Satan and his demons. Let us walk with God today and listen to His directions for God is our safe place.


Questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully, meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.) Who can protect me from Satan and his demon's traps? What does Satan and his demon's do to lead me away from God to destroy me? What can I do to protect myself from Satan and his demon's trap?


Take a moment to write down all your worries today. Then, lift them up to God in prayer, surrendering them to His will and trusting in His guidance.



Dear Father in Heaven, you are my safe place from Satan and his demon's deceptions. Please help me to walk in your ways and listen to your Words so that I may know your truth and not walk in Satan's lies and traps. Thank you for being my refuge and safe place. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. 


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