Now that we are saved through our faith in the Lord Jesus, what is our future? If you are still in school, you are looking forward to graduate and get a good job. If you are working, you are looking for better pay or position in the company or a nice retirement. If you are in ministry, you are looking forward to serve God successfully. There is nothing wrong in thinking about our future; actually, it is good for us to think about our future to help us plan and give us goals in life. However, we forget that we have a much better future than what we want in this world.
Jesus promised us that He is preparing a place for us, not in this world, but outside of this world, called heaven. Some people think that heaven is only for those who are saved and passed away and that it does not concern us today. After all, we are living on this earth right now, and heaven is something that we have never seen.
However, heaven is real, and it is the final destination of every believer who is saved and forgiven. Jesus knows that this world that we are living in right now is not the world that He wants for us because it is tainted with sin. This is the reason there is much suffering in this world, like the coronavirus that is affecting thousands of people in the world.
Jesus wants us to have a much better place where we can be with Him forever. A place where there is no more pain, suffering, and sin. If we are going through problems at this time, we always need to remember that our problems are only temporary. There is a better home for us. I can't wait to be there. Can you imagine living in a place where there are no more problems, pain, sorrow, sickness, and sin?
Ask yourself these questions: how does it affect your life knowing that this world is only temporary and that there is a place that awaits you? Why?
Write down the problems that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you for saving me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus that you are preparing a place for me. Help me to trust in you while I am waiting for that day to be with you in heaven. May you help me know with my (mention your prayer requests). In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.