When Jesus came to this world to save us from our sin, the Bible said that He emptied Himself, took the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. The word "emptied" means to lay aside all His privileges as God. Jesus, who created the universe and everything on the earth, including humankind, chose to put Himself in the human form that He made. Jesus allowed Himself to be limited by human limitations and suffer the consequences of sin for our sake. Jesus could have stayed in His throne, served by His powerful angels, and enjoyed His immeasurable power. Yet, He chose to lay aside all these privileges because His unconditional love towards us compelled Him to rescue us from our sin and give us a new life in Him.
There are times that we doubt our Lord's love because of the difficult problems we are going through. Sometimes, we accuse God of being angry at us for something that we have done. Or we feel that He doesn't care about us because it seems that He is not answering our prayers. However, if He chose to empty Himself with all His privileges as God to save us, would He suddenly stopped caring and saving us? Our Lord is not going to save us and then lose us in the end. Our Lord will keep us until He takes us home to be with our Heavenly Father in heaven.
Every time we doubt God's love towards us, we need to remind ourselves about Christmas, when Jesus was born and emptied Himself to become a human like us, and Easter, when He died and was resurrected for our salvation. In every situation in our life, our Lord Jesus is faithful. He will never forsake and abandons us. We need to keep on trusting His goodness in our lives, even when life seems difficult.
Ask yourself these questions: What did Jesus do to save me? Do I trust the goodness of my Lord Jesus in my current situation?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Lord Jesus, thank you for emptying yourself and becoming a human person like me to save me from my sin and give me a new life. Please help me not to doubt your love and care about me. Please provide me with strength, wisdom, direction, and willingness to do what is right in my current situation. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.