By the grace and mercy of God, our God has opened our eyes to see His incredible glory. He opened our eyes to know His truth in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is helping us to understand His ways and love so that He can change us to become more like our Lord Jesus. Our Lord Jesus saved us to change us. The moment we become Christian, God immediately starts to change our hearts and make us more like our Lord Jesus. I know a guy who was expelled from high school because of fighting and bad behavior. He ended up in an institution that offered GED. After getting his GED, he joined the military, but while he was there, he ended up being kicked out of the military and confined in jail for six months for fighting against his senior officer. He had many troubles in the law, including pushing and selling drugs. His life changed when he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit began a transformational work in his life. Today, he is a minister and taking his Doctorate program at Columbia International University. If you meet him today, you will never know that he has a rough and violent past.
Our Lord Jesus died on the cross to save us and change us to become more like Him. If we say that we believe in the Lord Jesus and we are not willing to surrender our life to Him so that He can change us, we are deceiving ourselves. Genuine faith in our Lord Jesus Christ requires surrender. If we say we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are unwilling to surrender our life to him, we need to examine our true faith in Him. The only way to enjoy true Christianity is to allow God to change our hearts by surrendering our life to Him. God can transform our lives into wonderful life if we want to. God can change our bad behavior to good behavior. He can change our painful life into a healed life.
Let us continue to allow the Spirit of God to change our life that we may become more like our Lord Jesus. There is so much freedom, joy, and peace in living for our Lord Jesus Christ. God is not looking for perfect people, but He is looking for people willing to be changed and live a life of freedom and peace.
Ask yourself these questions: What did Jesus do in my life so that I can know Him? What does the Holy Spirit do as soon as I believe and surrender my life to Jesus? Am I willing to surrender my life to the Lord Jesus and let Him change me?
Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you for opening my eyes to see your truth. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your continuous work in my life. Thank you for making me more like Jesus. Lord Jesus, please help me completely surrender my life to you. You know my secret sin and weaknesses, and I surrender them to you. Please forgive me and continue to change my heart. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.