When we go through difficult situations in our lives, our natural response is to worry. This is the reason our LORD God always reminds us to trust in Him. Trusting in the LORD means is to believe in our hearts that God is going to help us in our difficult situations. He is going to fulfill His plan in our lives in our struggles. The reason it is difficult to trust the Lord sometimes is that we feel like we do not have control over our situations. We want to resolve our problem now, instead of waiting on the Lord to work everything out.
The reason we can trust our Lord in our difficult situations is that He is an everlasting God. It means that He is a forever God. There will not be a moment that He will stop being God. Since He is God forever, He will always be there for us. From the time we are born to the time we get old or die, God will still exist the same. He will still love and care about us the same. The other reason we can trust our Lord is that He is our Rock. The rock symbolizes a strong foundation of a house. The house that is built upon a rock will stand forever. No matter how strong the storm, the house will not crumble down because it is fixated on the rock that is standing on. In the same manner, our lives are fixated on our Lord Jesus Christ.
No matter what we go through, we can stand in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ because He is our God forever.
I am always encouraged by Zack Loyd’s testimony. Zach used to be a professional soccer player that played for FC Dallas. He was a very good player, but when he got injured, he had to retire early. It was not easy for Him to retire because he had to deal with his injury and needed to find a way to support his family. However, because He had an everlasting Rock, He was able to trust God in his situation. As he trusted God in his situation, God took care of him. God provided him a job that he could support his family and serve with us in our soccer ministry.
We can always trust the Lord because He is our everlasting rock. When we start worrying about our problems, we need to ask the Lord to help us with our problem, and we need to ask Him to help us not to worry.
Write down the problems that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you for being my everlasting Rock. Thank you that I can trust you in everything that I am going through. Please help me with my (mention your problems) and help me to trust in you and not to worry. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.