Joseph could no longer control himself from not revealing himself to his brother that he told them who he was. Joseph said to his brother, "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. Now, do not be upset and do not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to preserve life! For these past two years there has been famine in the land and for five more years there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God sent me ahead of you to preserve you on the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now, it is not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me an adviser to Pharaoh, lord over all his household, and ruler over all the land of Egypt. Now go up to my father quickly and tell him, 'This is what your son Joseph says: God has made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me; do not delay! You will live in the land of Goshen, and you will be near me—you, your children, your grandchildren, your flocks, your herds, and everything you have. I will provide you with food there because there will be five more years of famine. Otherwise you would become poor—you, your household, and everyone who belongs to you.'" (Genesis 45:4-11).
When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he did not blame them nor got angry at them despite what they had done to him. For almost 20 years, Joseph had been a slave, not knowing what would happen to him. But in the end, he realized the reason for his sufferings. God used his brothers' evil intention against him to fulfill His plan in his life. All along, God had been working in Joseph's life. There was not a single moment that God was not with Joseph, even at the lowest time of his life. As a result, he didn't have anything against his brothers, but he had forgiven them completely. He also realized that his brothers changed. They regret what they had done to him and what they had caused their father.
As God's children, God is also at work in our lives. As we surrender our lives to Him, He is fulfilling His plan in our lives. We may not notice it, especially when we go through challenging situations in our lives, but he is at work. God is changing our hearts and making us more like Him in His character. So when we feel discouraged or fearful, let us trust God and surrender everything to Him, knowing that He is at work in our lives.
Ask yourself these questions: Do I believe that God has my life in His hands? Am I willing to surrender my life to Him so that He can fulfill His good plan in my life? Do I trust God with my future?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you that you have a wonderful plan in my life. Thank you that you are at work in my life. Please help me to surrender everything to you and to trust you completely. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.