When God saved us from our sin and adopted us as His children, He gave us hope and future because He has a beautiful plan in our lives. God is not there to destroy our lives or to make it boring, but God is there to give us a fulfilled life. Satan, our enemy, wants us to believe that we do not need God, and it is okay to live our lives in whatever we want as long as it makes us happy.
Alberto grew up with his mother and a little sister. His father left them when he was very young. His mother worked very hard to support the family, so Alberto tried his best to help his mother to take care of their apartment and his little sister. It wasn't easy for Alberto and his family, but when Alberto was 12 years old, he gave his life to the Lord through a Vacation Bible School. Since then, he had been walking with the Lord and believed that He had a Father in Heaven who watched over him and had a wonderful plan in his life. At night, he always prayed for his mother and sister to protect them and provide for all their needs. At school, Alberto was a little bit popular because he was smart and funny. His friends were always inviting him to hang out with them, but he refused because of the harmful activities that they were doing. They tried to recruit him to join their gangs and offered him drugs, but he refused. The only thing that helped him to stay focus on the right way was his involvement with a youth fellowship. It was in that fellowship that he found encouragement and more understanding about God. As a result, he stayed focus on his faith and was able to graduate from high school and college. Today, Alberto is a successful accountant, working for a big corporation. He was able to buy a house for his mother and sister.
Our heavenly Father is always active in our lives. He has a wonderful plan in our lives because He loves us; however, we need to commit to follow His ways just like Alberto did. He decided to continue to trust and obey God, even when it was not easy. As a result, he was able to live out God's plan in his life.
Pray that the Lord will help you to put Him first in your life. Ask our heavenly Father to help you trust and obey Him. Write down your prayer requests for today.
Father in heaven, thank you that you have a wonderful plan in my life. Please help me to listen and follow your ways so that I can live out your plan in my life. Help me not to do the things that are not pleasing to you. Please help me with (mention your prayer requests). Thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.