David wrote in Psalm 63:6-7, "On my bed, I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me." As we read these verses, we can see David's desperate dependence on God. God has all he has. If there is anyone who can help him, it is God. Our spiritual journey with God is about relying on God completely in every area of our lives and every situation. Whether we are in joy, experiencing victory, or in sorrow and pain, we need always to be dependent on God because He is the one who sustains us every day. He is our provider and protector. He is our healer and restorer. When we are desperately dependent on God, we will experience God's power in our lives. The reason I decided to leave my career in computer and be a missionary is because I believe that I can trust God in every area of my life. I believe with all my heart that He will provide everything that I need and that He will take care of me. And that is exactly what He has done in my life, bringing me a sense of security and comfort that I could never find elsewhere.
Trusting in our possessions (money and wealth), jobs, education, family, wisdom, and strength is not enough when we are faced with impossible situations. We can lose everything in an instant, including our lives. But when we are desperately dependent on God, we will find security in Him. David prayed to God before he slept at night, not with memorized prayers but with prayers that expressed what was going on in his heart. God hears our prayers from our hearts. When the apostle Peter was sinking about to drown after he walked on water, the only prayer that he could say was "help." That prayer of "help" was a desperate cry for help, and Jesus picked him up and led Peter onto the boat. Our prayer is a relationship communication with our God. It expresses our desperate dependence on Him.Â
Let us stop trusting ourselves and become desperately dependent on God for everything. The moment we wake up in the morning, we acknowledge God as our provider and protector. When we sleep at night, we rely on His comfort and security. Â
Ask yourself these questions for application:Â (Think through carefully, meditate on the questions while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.)Â Have you ever been in a desperate situation? How did you handle it? Why is it important to be desperately dependent on God?Â
Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.Â
Dear Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am desperately dependent on you. You are my provider and protector. Please help me not to trust in my strength, wisdom, and all the things that you have given me but in you alone. Thank you for sustaining my life. Please give me the provision, wisdom, and strength that I need as I go through the day today. I pray all these things in the name of my Lord Jesus. Amen.Â