Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah. God would fulfill His promise to Abraham through him that Abraham's descendants would become a great nation. However, Rebekah couldn't have a child, for she was barren. So Isaac prayed for his wife, and the LORD answered his prayer. Rebekah then became pregnant with a twin, but she couldn't understand why her twins struggled together within her, so she asked the LORD about it. The LORD said to her that her twins represented two nations and the older son would serve the younger son. And so Rebekah gave birth to twin boys when Isaac was sixty years old. They named the first son Esau, and they called the second son Jacob, for when he came out, he was holding his brother's heel.
Isaac experienced the same struggle that his father experienced when Rebekah was barren. God had to open Rebekah's womb for her to bear a child. God purposefully allowed this to happen because He wanted Isaac and Rebekah to have faith in Him. Through their faith, God would fulfill His promise to Abraham because God wanted to build a great nation that believes in Him. In the same manner, God wants us to become a people of faith because it is impossible to please Him without faith in Him. Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him."
As God's children, He wants us to walk in faith in every situation that we are in. God wants us to trust in Him all the time. He wants us to rely on Him not only in big problems but also in minor problems. If we are facing difficult or challenging problems right now, let us continue to pray and trust God to help us go through it, just like Isaac and Rebekah did. They were facing an impossible situation to have children, but because they prayed and put their faith in God, God granted their prayer request and opened Rebekah's womb to bear twins boys, for nothing is impossible with our God. (Genesis 25:19-26).
Ask yourself these questions: What does God want me to do when I am facing problems? Am I willing to trust God in every situation of my life? Do I believe that God cares about the small detail of my life?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in heaven, thank you that you care about every detail of my life. Thank you for showing me today that you want me to walk in faith all the time and not to trust in my own wisdom and strength. Please continue to teach me to walk in faith and help me to trust in you in every situation that I am facing today. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.