Knowing the Word of God is an essential part of our lives because it helps us to know God. One of the biggest reasons many Christians are having difficulty trusting God is that they do not know Him personally. God has given us His Word to reveal Himself to us, and it is up to us if we are willing to get to know Him. He even gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us so that He could help us understand His Word. If we want to know God, we need to read and study our Bible, and there is no other way around it. Listening to the sermons from church or radio is not enough. God wants us to know Him individually by spending time with Him alone. God is not a God that is far away that we cannot know Him, but He is a God that is near to us.
Before the Lord called me to become a missionary to the Philippines to teach the Bible at Calvary Chapel Training Center, I worked in Information Technology (IT) at one of the companies in Las Vegas, NV. I was excelling in my position and earning money more than I needed. I was very comfortable. However, when the Lord told me to quit my job, leave my computer career, and go to the Philippines as a missionary, I was willing to go because I knew the God I believe in. Being a missionary meant that I needed to raise my own personal financial support and entirely rely on God's provisions through the people He had touched to provide for my needs. Unlike working in IT, I know exactly how much I would receive every month, but being a missionary, I would never know how much I would receive. I had to trust God to provide for everything that I needed. But for five years of being a missionary in the Philippines, I never once starved, but I had more than I needed. God was always there for me when I needed something. He took care of me.
I learn to trust God because of His Word. The more I get to know God through His Word, the more my faith in Him increases. There were times that I could not understand what I was reading, but when I asked Him to help me understand His Word, He always helped me through someone else or a direct revelation from Him. I just want to encourage all of us to take time daily to get to know our God through His Word so that we may grow in our faith in Him. We can start by reading the daily verse on our daily devotion.
Ask yourself these questions: What is the reason God has given me a Bible? Am I willing to read His Word daily? What should I do when I do not understand His Word?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you for being a trustworthy God and that you are faithful to fulfill all your promises in your Word. Please help me read my Bible every day to continue to grow in my faith in you. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.