Knowing and believing in God is very important in our spiritual walk. Our knowledge and belief of God help us stand against the lies of Satan in our lives. Satan's goal is to put doubt in our hearts and minds so that we would stop believing in God. He wants us to stop believing in God because he wants to destroy our lives. He wants to take away our hope and peace in God because he hates God and hates our relationship with Him. Satan's greatest weapons are not anything that can physically hurt us, but his greatest weapons are deception and lies. Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden because she bought into Satan's lies. Satan's tactics are still the same today. He is still using deception and lies to lead people away from believing in God.
Marty Sampson was one of the members of the Hillsong United Christian band and a worship leader in his church in Australia. He became famous because of the worship songs that he had sung and written (https://youtu.be/HwWhJdHVEmM). However, in recent years, he claimed that he did not believe in God anymore. It was sad to see him leave his Christian faith because his reason for leaving his faith in God was based on a wrong understanding of God and the word of God. Like Marty, we can sing worship songs and go to church every week, but if we do not know God and believe in God, we are in danger of walking away from God. Our walk with the Lord is personal. We can stand in the middle of the church, where we are surrounded by believing Christians, but that does not mean that we know God. We can hide our true beliefs and feelings about God, and sooner or later, it will show through our actions. I'm praying that Marty will come back to God soon because he will not find the answers that he is looking for in the world.
So how do we know God? We know God through our Lord Jesus Christ. As we surrender our life to Jesus and let Him teach us about Himself through the Bible, we will be able then to know the truth of God that will strengthen our faith in Him. There are many religions out there, but there is only one Savior. Many people follow different teachings about God, but there is only one truth found in Jesus. Many ways we can live our lives, but there is only one place where we can find peace and hope, and that is in our Lord Jesus. For the next few days, we will study God through the Bible and hopefully answers some of the questions about God. Â
Ask yourself these questions: Do I truly believe in God? Do I know God? If your answer to these two questions is "maybe," then you are not sure about your faith. I'm praying that God will use the next few Daily Devotions to help you know and believe in God.
Father in Heaven, thank you that you are God. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, who saved me from my sin. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that lives in me to guide me to the truth. Please continue to give me an understanding of who you are and strengthen my faith in you. Please protect my mind and my heart from Satan's deception and lies. Please help me now with (mention your prayer requests). In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.