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Writer's pictureDanny Domingo


People we hang out with have a strong influence on us. As a result, we need to be careful who we hang out with. Three action words are used in the above verse: follow the advice of the wicked, stand around with sinners, and join in with mockers. Following the advice of the wicked means we begin to agree with ungodly ideas and opinions. A good example is many people believe that stealing and lying are good as long as you don't get caught. When we begin to agree with ungodly ideas and opinions, we start to stand or do it with ourselves. And then, when we sit with ungodly ideas and opinions, it becomes a part of us. When ungodly ideas and opinions become a part of us, the biblical truth no longer means anything; thus, it affects our behaviors or how we live our lives.

Further down, Psalm 1 describes the consequences of ungodly behaviors. Those who follow the advice of the wicked, stand around with sinners, and join in with mockers are like the chaff of wheat blown away by the wind with no direction of life and will be condemned by God at the time of judgment. We need to examine any ideas and opinions of the people we hang out with with the truth of the Word of God to protect ourselves from being influenced by ungodly thoughts. The influence of others begins in our thoughts, so we must guard our thoughts. Let us not believe everything we hear but be vigilant to disagree and reject any unbiblical ideas and opinions.

As believers, we base everything on the Bible because we believe that the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is the standard by which we live. We read and study the Word of God to know how we live our lives according to God's ways.

Ask yourself these questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully and meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speaks to you). Why is it important to guard my mind from the ungodly influence of others? Why is it important to read and study the Word of God? What happens when I allow my mind to be influenced by ungodly ideas and opinions?

Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.


Father in Heaven, would you guard my mind against ungodly ideas and opinions that affect my thinking? Please help me to stay in your truth and never compromise, for your ways leads to life and godliness. Please bless my ways for the rest of the week. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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