If we are saved not according to our good works, what is the purpose of our good works? The wrong understanding of doing good works is to use it to get what we want from God. Some people use their good works as bargaining chips or payment to force God to give them what they want. If God does not grant their prayer requests after they do good works, they would claim that God is unfair and not loving. They would be angry at God and walk away from Him. There was a wealthy man whose wife was very sick. He asked God for his wife's healing, and he promised to God that he would help build church buildings, give money to the poor, and be kind to others as long as He would heal his wife. After the man did all these things, God did not grant his request, and his wife died. Since then, the man walked away from God and promised himself that he would never believe in Him again.
Jesus gave us the purpose of our good works. He said that our good works are for us to shine our faith in this world so that our God the Father would be glorified. We do good works because of our faith in the Lord Jesus. We prove to the world that we belong to God through the good works that we do. Our good works are not meant to use them as bargaining chips to get what we want from God, but they are evidence that the grace of God saves us. God answers our prayers according to His purpose and plan in our lives. God knows our needs and wants, and we do not need to use our good works to get them from God. God promised us that He would take care of us, and He will always provide everything that we need. All we need to do is to trust in Him.
When we do good works, God is honored and glorified, and He rewards those who do good works. Our faith in our Lord Jesus should produce good works in us because this is God's will in our lives. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Ask yourself these questions: What is the purpose of my good works? Does God answer my prayers according to my good works?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you that you love and care about me. You want me to trust you and not rely on my good works, so please help me to trust you completely. Please help me to do good works for your honor and glory. Please help me now with (mention your prayer requests). In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.