This past Sunday, we celebrated Palm Sunday. This was when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt, and the people were shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!" as they spread their garments and Date palm branches on the road. The people welcomed Jesus as their King and Savior as He entered Jerusalem. The palms branches symbolize goodness, well-being, and victory. The people were praising and celebrating their king's entrance to their city. It was interesting that Jesus rode on a colt and not a horse. Normally, a king rode on a warhorse to show power and prestige. But not so with Jesus, He rode on a colt, a young male donkey that was a gentle and hard-working animal. Colt was considered a service animal and not for prestige events. Why did Jesus choose to ride on a colt instead of a horse? The reason was that He wanted to show to the people that He came to serve but not to be served. He came to save us from our sin and not to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Roman empire. At this time, the Jews were expecting their king to save them from the Romans that occupied their land.
Later on in Jesus' story, the same people who welcomed Jesus as their king were the same people who shouted to crucify Him on the cross. The people were looking for the deliverance from Roman's oppression and not their sins. They were only focusing their minds on this world's comforts and not eternal life. As a result, they rejected their Savior. When Jesus did not meet their expectations, they quickly rejected Him. However, Jesus came as our King and Savior. He is our King who wants to rule in our hearts, and He is our Savior who wants to save us from our sins.
As we prepare our hearts for this coming Easter, let us remind ourselves today that Jesus is the King of our life. He is the one that we bow down and submit to. He is also our forever Savior. He saved us from judgment, condemnation, and sin. Jesus came to wash away our sin by shedding His blood on the cross.
Ask yourself these questions: What was the reason Jesus came into our world? Why did He ride on a donkey and not on a horse? What should be my response, knowing that Jesus came to save me?
Write down all the worries you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, I am so grateful for saving me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to save me. You are my King and my Savior. Please help me to let go of my control in my life and let you rule my heart. You know what is best for me. Please help me to trust you completely. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.