There are times that we feel like God is not working in our situation. We keep on praying, but nothing is happening. In fact, our situation seems it is getting worst. When Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, got sick, his sisters sent for Jesus to come and heal him. However, Jesus did not come right away, although He received the message. He waited for another two days, but by then, Lazarus had died. Why did Jesus not come and heal Lazarus? Did Jesus not care about Lazarus and his sisters, although it said in the Bible that Jesus loved them (John 11:5). What to do when we keep on praying, and nothing is happening? When we go through this type of situation, we can easily doubt our relationship with God because our expectations are not aligning with God's expectations. We want to get out of our suffering and resolve our situation right away to get on with our lives, but we do not know God's plan.
When Martha and Mary, Lazarus' sisters, saw Jesus after two days, they told Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died" (John 11:21,32). Both Martha and Mary believed in Jesus that He could heal Lazarus, but they could not understand the reason Jesus did not come and heal Lazarus. There are many things that we do not understand the plan of God in our lives, and this is why we need to keep trusting God, even though we do not understand. When we are in the darkest hour of our lives, and it seems we cannot see the horizon, our trust in God will be the light that will lead us to hope, and at the end of our darkest hour, we will see His deliverance. Eventually, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and He fulfilled His plan. His plan in all of these was to demonstrate to everyone that He was the life and resurrection. Through all these sufferings, they witnessed and experienced the power of God in their lives.
So let us hold on to our faith. The God we believe in is not dead, but He is alive. He cares and loves us. God already hears our prayers. Let us keep on trusting, and sooner or later, we will see His overall plan and purpose in our situations.
Ask yourself these questions: What do I do when I feel like God is silent in my situation? Do I believe that God is still in control of my situation? Do I trust God?
Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, you know everything that is going on in my life. I believe that you care about me and that you love me. Please help me to trust you and not doubt, especially when I feel like you are silent in my situation. I believe that your plan and purpose in my life will be accomplished according to your own timing. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.