Before Joseph became the next highest leader in Egypt, he was maliciously accused of his master’s wife, that he ended up in jail. While he was in jail, both the cupbearer and the baker of Pharaoh were in jail with him because they offended Pharaoh. As they wait for their sentence, each of them had a dream that determined their fate. Through God’s revelation, Joseph was able to interpret their dreams. According to their dreams, the baker would be executed, and the cupbearer would be restored to his position. Joseph then asked the cupbearer to remember him and mentioned his situation to Pharaoh. Perhaps he may help him get out of prison. Joseph had to wait for at least two years in prison to hear from Pharaoh.
Waiting is something that many of us are not comfortable with, especially when we wait for an important result. For example, many people at this moment are anxious about the result of our presidential election. However, God wants us not to be anxious but by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God, and the peace of God will guard our hearts and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). There are times that God allows us to wait so that we can learn to trust Him. Regardless of the result of the election, God will still be in control. Our future does not depend on the things of this earth, for our kingdom is not of this world, but our kingdom is in heaven.
As the Lord allows us to wait, let us continue to trust in Him. Joseph patiently waited until the Lord delivered him from jail. He learned to rest on Him, even when he was in a desperate situation. Eventually, God will give us what we are waiting for that are according to His will. Although God allows us to wait, He is never late in providing for our needs. He always provides our needs according to His purpose and plan in our lives.
Ask yourself these questions: What should I do when I am anxious in waiting on God to answer my prayers? Do I believe that God provides my needs according to His purpose and plan? What attitude does God want me to have while I am waiting?
Write down all the worries that you are facing today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, thank you that you are in control of my life. Please continue to teach me to be patient as I wait for you to answer my prayers. I am so blessed to know that I am always secure in you. Please help me now with (mention your prayer requests). In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.