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  • Writer's pictureDanny Domingo


According to an online dictionary, wisdom is having a quality of experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It is our wisdom that calms our emotions when we go through trials. Knowing what to expect in our difficult situation through our wisdom can help us alleviate our anxiety and fear. Our wisdom from God can comfort us through our difficult trials. When we understand the purpose of God through His wisdom, we are assured that God is in control of our situations. For example, we have confidence that God will take care of us forever because of our wisdom through His Word. We have the wisdom that when we die, we will be with God in Heaven because we are saved not by good works but by faith in our Lord Jesus. We have the wisdom that God will continue working in our hearts to change us to be the people God wants us to be.

God promised us in this verse that if we lack wisdom, we should ask Him, and He will generously give us wisdom. God's wisdom helps us understand life through His will. So when we are asking God for wisdom, we must be willing to give up our will and follow His will. His wisdom is better than our understanding. God's wisdom guides us in the right direction of life. There are moments when we do not know what to do or which direction to go; however, when we have God's wisdom, we can maneuver our lives in the right direction. I remember being on a boat crossing one island to another. We encountered a storm and heavy waves pushing water in the boat. Through the captain's wisdom, He steered the boat through the big waves and arrived safely at our destination.

We need God's wisdom to guide us through different situations every day. We can ask God for wisdom, and He will give us wisdom generously. God uses His Word to give us wisdom for a godly life. The only prerequisite for receiving His wisdom is surrendering our will to Him. We have to be willing to accept His will over our will.

Ask yourself these questions for application: (Think through carefully and meditate on the questions while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you) Why do I need God's wisdom? How do I receive God's wisdom? What must I do to my own will if I want God's wisdom?

Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.


Father in Heaven, You are the God of wisdom. You know everything about me. You know my past, present, and future situations. I need your wisdom to guide me through life. Please help me surrender my will to you so I may have your wisdom. Please give me wisdom today as I face different situations. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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