Paul continued to speak boldly about the kingdom of God in the synagogue for three months in Ephesus, but when the Jews became stubborn and rejected his teaching, he left the synagogue. He began to teach and persuade people about the Lord Jesus Christ in the hall or school of Tyrannus. According to some Bible scholars, the school of Tyrannus was a philosophical school that Greeks and Jews came to learn. Paul shared there for two years so that people throughout the province of Asia heard the Word of God. God also performed extraordinary miracles through Paul when people touched handkerchiefs or aprons that touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were cast out. A group of Jews, including the seven sons of a leading priest, tried to imitate Paul in casting out demons in the name of Jesus. However, since they were imitators and not true believers of Jesus, the evil spirit leaped on them and overpowered them. They fled naked and bruised. People saw what happened to them that fear in the name of Jesus spread in Ephesus. As a result, many believed in the Lord Jesus. (Acts 19:8-20). (Third Missionary Journey Map).
Beginning in the '80s and even today, many people tried to imitate the power of God that worked through Paul. They sold handkerchiefs and material items they prayed for and marketed with healing power. Sadly, many desperate people fell to their schemes, lost money, and never received healing. As believers of our Lord Jesus, we always need to remember that power can only come from God and works through his people. Our ultimate healing comes from the Lord, who heals us according to His purpose and plan. Prayer is powerful, and God can miraculously answer our prayers without any intervention, but He can also use doctors and medicines to heal us. So when we need healing or help, we need to put our faith in our Lord Jesus first. When I am sick or need help, I first ask God for healing and help. If my allergy is bad or having a headache, I pray that He will heal my allergy and use my medicine to heal me. There are times God heals me without medicine, and there are times, He heals me with medicine.
When we need healing or help, let us put our faith in our Lord Jesus first. He is our ultimate healer; when we live by this truth, we will be protected from lies and schemers.
Ask yourself these questions for application: (Think through carefully and meditate on the questions while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you) Where did Paul receive his power? Who do I trust first for my healing and help? Do I believe God can heal or help me with or without intervention?
Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, You are my great physician. You are the one who created my inmost being, and my life is in your hands. Please help me to put my faith in you first. I believe you can heal me and provide everything that I need. Please heal me according to your purpose and plan in my life. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.